Week # 4 of 6
Monday 1/27/2024
7 set of 3 with the heaviest weight lifted from week 1 (deload/quality rep week)
Pull Up
Alternating Hang Dumbbell Snatch x2
Double Unders x3
Tuesday 1/28/2024
Push Press
Build to a heavy set of 3 then perform an AMRAP push jerk with 80% of that weight
5 Rounds For Time
400m Row
15 Overhead Squats (95/65)
Wednesday 1/29/2024
For time:
- 30 Double Dumbbell Push Press @ 2×20/2×35
- 30 Ski Calories
- 30 Burpee Broad Jumps
- 37m Sled Pull @ 3/5 plates
- 30 Sandbag Reverse Lunges @ 10/20kg
- 1500m Row
- 20 Double Dumbbell Push Press @ 2×20/2×35
- 20 Ski Calories
- 20 Burpee Broad Jumps
- 25m Sled Pull @ 3/5 plates
- 20 Sandbag Reverse Lunges @ 10/20kg
- 1000m Row
- 10 Double Dumbbell Push Press @ 2×20/2×35
- 10 Ski Calories
- 10 Burpee Broad Jumps
- 12m Sled Pull @ 3/5 plates
- 10 Sandbag Reverse Lunges @ 10/20kg
- 500m Row
Thursday 1/30/2024
A1. 3 Position Clean, 3 sets of 3, building
A2. Single Arm Ring Row, 3 sets of 8-10/side
Partner Workout
4 Rounds
2 minute AMRAP
5 Hang Power Clean (115/75, Rx+ 155/105)
10 Front Squat
Toes to Bar with remaining time (Rx+ Bar Muscle Up)
1 minute Rest
Friday 1/31/2024
A1. Back Rack Reverse Lunge, 3 sets of 5/side, across (2.5-5lb heavier than last week)
A2. Push Up, 3 sets of 2 RIR (Rx+ Dumbbell Deficit, Rx++ Feet Elevated on 30 inch box, hands on parallettes, 1 and 1/4 reps)
Bar Facing Burpees
Deadlift (95/65, Rx+ 135/95)
Alternating Dumbbell Clean and Jerk (50/35)
Saturday 2/1/2024
- 500m Run*ย
- 50m Sled Push (A)
- 500m Run
- 80m Burpee Broad Jump (B)
- 500m Run
- 1000m Ski (C)
- 500m Run
- 50 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts + 100m Farmer Carry @ 2x16kg/2x24kg (D)
- 500m Run
- 50 Jumping Pull-ups (E)
- 500m Run
- 100 Wall Balls