Week # 6 of 6
Monday 8/26/2024
EMOM for 15
M1 – M5: Strict Press, building
M6 – M10: Push Press, building
M11 – M15: Push Jerk, building
For Time
50 Shoulder to Overhead (75/55, Rx+ 95/65)
100 Russian Kettlebell Bell Swings (24/16, Rx+ 28/20)
Tuesday 8/27/2024
Back Squat
20 Rep Max
EMOM for as long as possible
3 Power Cleans (95/65, Rx+ 135/95)
3 Front Squats
5 Pull Ups (Rx+ 2 Bar Muscle Ups)
Wednesday 8/28/2024
A. 3โ AMREP x 3 sets:
- 500m Skierg or 500m Row
- Max Rep Wall Balls
B. 3โ AMREP x 3 sets:
- 25 Half Burpees
- Max Rep Sled Pull @ 3/5 plates
3โ AMREP x 3 sets:
- 20/24 Echo Bike Calories
- Max Rep Russian Kettlebell Snatch @ 16kg/24kg
Thursday 8/29/2024
A. Weighted Supinated Pull Up, 12 minutes to build to a heavy single
B. Deadlift, 12 minutes to build to a heavy single
For Time
45 Deadlifts (135/95, Rx+ 225/135)
180 Double Unders
45/36 Calorie Row
Friday 8/30/2024
Every 2:30 for 7 Rounds
M1: 10-13 Handstand Push Ups (Rx+ Strict)
M2: 3 Position Squat Clean, building
5 Rounds
M1 Max Effort Push Ups (Rx+ Ring Dips)
M2 Max Effort Toes to Bar
M3 Max Effort Dumbbell Box Step Overs (50/35)(Rx+ Dual DB)
M4 Rest
Saturday 8/31/2024
3 Rounds for time of:
- 37m Sandbag Walking Lunge @ 10kg/20kg
- 37m Burpee Broad Jump
- 37m Sled Push @ 3/5 platesย
- 1000m Run